Tuesday, August 29, 2017

R2FD version 2.1 (BUG)

*remove tons of bugs
*add USB disk vaccination
*enhance UI

Mitchelle V. de la Cruz                                                        ~DONT FORGET TO DONATE~
Andrea Village II, Zone II
Cadiz City, Negros Occidental
Philippines,  6121
for MS-WINDOWS operating systems & clone.
(c)2017 - Infinite

Read this license agreement carefully before using this software. By using this software in any way you acknowledge that you have read, understand and agree to the terms of this agreement. If you do not agree to these terms, do not use this software in any way. And instantly delete any copies of this software in your possession.

In no event Mitchelle V. de la Cruz of AEONTIME.BLOGSPOT.COM will be held responsible or liable for any damage or loss arising while using this software directly or indirectly. So, use it at your own risk.

What is this for?
Did you insert your usb disk and voila your files gone missing? or antivirus warn that your usb disk is infected with a virus. Or your infected with USB autorun virus/malware, then this tools will help you.

What does it do?
Recover missing folders and files in removable drive hidden by common USB malware and virus.  Put it simply, it search for removable drive, search for missing folders and files and recover it on desktop.  Another option is to search for all files with *.inf, *.exe *.com, *.bat, *.pif, *.lnk, and *.tmp extension in root of USB disk and erase it, while try recovering folders and files in removable drives, just used this option if you are sure that USB drive is infected with virus and malware.  Additional  features  for  this  version  is USB disk immunization or vaccination against USB autorun viruses and malware. Lastly this is not an antivirus program.

How does it do it?
Basically SECRET, but the truth (arrrgh!) simply, I reverse engineer what USB virus/malware had done.

What will it not do?
It will not remove malware and virus active in your computer memory or operating system. Nor will it allow you to sleep at night thinking you are safe in any kind of virus or malware attack. For that you will need to used antivirus or anti malware software, which, sadly enough, is not written by me... ;-)

How much does it cost?
Nothing! That's right, it's FREE. Gratis. But you can donate or support by sending anything worthy to me, like P295.95 pesos or more(less) via money remittance center. Don't forget to text  or inform me the control code. Don't be hesitate or shy to send,  I need your help to survive on this planet, and to program the best next THING.

Same or identical with this product cost now $20.00 up online, that is why I created this, I am tired of manual doing it and tired waiting someone doing it, its almost 10 years what a delay.

What will it do in the future?
Well, that's pretty depends up to you.   What do you want it to do? just message me any suggestion, bugs, errors, problems or anything.

I would like to thank: GFA-Basic32 Team, specially to Sjouke Hamstra


Wednesday, August 9, 2017

R2FD 1.0 reviewed in SOFTPEDIA.COM, THANK YOU.

Attempts to recover files stored on USB flash drives, which were lost, misplaced or destroyed due to malware infections or other reasons

R2FD (aka Recover to fix drive) is a lightweight piece of software designed to recover missing files from USB flash drives that were lost due to malware infections via the autorun file, or other reasons.

It doesn't require installation so you can download the package and simply double-click the .exe to bring up the main app window. Only two options are available: erasing all root executables and recovering files, or skipping the first step to just retrieve the missing items.

Recover missing files from USB flash drives with a portable app

As far as the interface goes, R2FD has a clean window with a simple look, where the buttons are displayed on the upper-right corner. The first button tells the tool to erase all executable files from all USB flash drives plugged into the computer, then recover the missing items.

This measure can be used when suspecting the USB device to be infected with autorun.inf. By deleting this file, you prevent the autoplay menu from being brought up to the screen, which launches the malware. However, this also means that executables from any other programs you might have on the USB drive will be eliminated by R2FD.

Gets the System Volume Information files affected by the autorun virus

If you fear that this might happen, then you can opt for the second setting, which only scans removable drives for missing files and restores them to a newly created folder called "USBFILES", which is placed on the desktop.

System Volume Information files were successfully recovered in our testing while the program remained light on system resources consumption. However, you should know that it cannot get rid of the autorun file or protect your USB flash drives from malware, which means that you have to equip your computer with a feature-rich antivirus application.

R2FD was reviewed by Elena Opris


Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Bulambod Version 3.2015.6.31


This program is not compatibe with previous version, DO NOT use it decrypting old files. This is not a TOY, canceling while on process will make your files unusable. Big files will take time to finish, so ensure you have enough power or regret later. Don't forget your password, secret key, start position and % file to process options, or else only miracle can restore your files.

Version 3.2015.6.31
-Change about logo
-Fix website hyperlink bugs when click
-Fix several runtime error
Version 3.2015.4.24
-Add Restore Back-up button
-Add transparency option
-Fix several runtime error
-Selected files and password file is now autocheck if still exist before processing, invalid filenames are auto remove
-If file is under 64000 bytes it will be encrypted 100% regardless what is the value of % to process
-Default % to process is now 5%

Select Files button - to select files to process.

Encrypt radio button - encrypt selected files/text.

Decrypt radio button - decrypt selected files/text.

Show check box - mark to display password.

Clear check box - mark to clear password.

Start button - to start selected process.

Transparency slide - To change or adjust transparency

Restore Back-up button - to restore or rename all files with .backup extension

Type Password box- a place to enter your security code for encrypting and decrypting files.

Use file as password check box - select file and use as password.

List box - display selected files, you can also drag and drop files inside directly, only checked items will be process. Status will show if file is encrypted if it contains encrypted signature.

Input text box - encode any text to encrypt or decrypt.

Input password box - a place to enter your security code to encrypt or decrypt text. Secret key will be use.

Shift3 chech box -  caesar cipher or shift character +/- 3.

Floppy disk icon - save text to file using .txt extension or save generated password to file using .pwd extension.

Process - to start selected process.

Generate Password button - generate random password. Just copy paste to use.

Password length - 0 to 32,000 characters, 32,000 is the default value.

Secret Key - additional security, remember this like your password.

% to process - file percentage to process, good option for big files.

Start at - starting position to process, good for skipping header file.

Back-up files - create backup files before processing.

Append in files
(If Encrypted) - append and save encrypted status inside the file.
(Secret Key) - append and save secret key inside the file.
(Start at) - append and save starting position to process inside the file.
(% to process) - append and save % to process inside the file.

www.bulambod.blogspot.com or www.bulambod.wordpress.com - click to jump in my website.


Monday, August 7, 2017


Mitchelle V. de la Cruz                                                        ~DONT FORGET TO DONATE~
Andrea Village II, Zone II
Cadiz City, Negros Occidental
Philippines,  6121
for MS-WINDOWS operating systems & clone.
(c)2017 - Infinite

Read this license agreement carefully before using this software. By using this software in
any way you acknowledge that you have read, understand and agree to the terms of this
agreement. If you do not agree to these terms, do not use this software in any way. And
instantly delete any copies of this software in your possession.

In no event Mitchelle V. de la Cruz of AEONTIME.BLOGSPOT.COM will be held responsible
or liable for any damage or loss arising while using this software directly or indirectly. So, use
it at your own risk.

What is this for?
Did you insert your usb disk and voila your files gone missing? or antivirus warn that your usb
disk is infected with a virus. Or your infected with USB autorun virus/malware, then this tools
will help you.

What does it do?
Recover missing files and folders in removable drive hidden by common USB malware and
virus. Put it simply, it search for removable drive, search for missing folder and recover it
to desktop. Another option is to search for all executable files in root of USB disk and erase
it, while try recovering folders and files in removable drives, just used this option if you are
sure that USB drive is infected with virus/malware. Lastly this is not an antivirus program.

How does it do it?
Basically SECRET, but the truth (arrrgh!) simply, I reverse engineer what USB virus/malware
had done.

What will it not do?
It will not remove malware and virus active in your computer memory or operating system. nor
will it allow you to sleep at night thinking you are safe in any kind of virus or malware attack.
For that you will need to used antivirus or anti malware software, which, sadly enough, is not
written by me... ;-)

How much does it cost?
Nothing! That's right, it's FREE. Gratis. But you can donate or support by sending anything
worthy to me, like P295.95 pesos or more(less) via money remittance center. Don't forget to
text  or inform me the control code. Don't be hesitate or shy to send,  I need your help to
survive on this planet, and to program the best next THING.
Same or identical with this product cost now $20.00 up online, that is why I created this, I am
tired of manual doing it and tired waiting someone doing it, its almost 10 years what a delay.

What will it do in the future?
Well, that's pretty depends up to you. This is the very first release, so it's just the bare
essentials at the moment. What do you WANT it to do? just message me any suggestion,
bugs, errors, problems or anything.

I would like to thank: GFA-Basic32 Team, specially to Sjouke Hamstra



Recover Missing Files

Advice on recovering missing files. If a file, multiple files, or a folder goes missing from your usb disk or portable disk, you've ...